$20.00 USD

[Recording] Dreaming the dream forward

Active imagination applied to dreams and nightmares

My free webinar offerings, which cover key elements of experiential dreamwork and focusing, are so well-received, I have another one to share. In this session, I will discuss the transformational practice of re-entering a dream and allowing it to carry forward. You will learn:

  • How to help your client safely enter and let a dream continue in a way that is safe, creative and authentic.
  • Methods of active imagination that can be applied to engaging with dreams.
  • Why dreaming the dream forward is an essential ingredient in modern nightmare treatment, and how to help nightmare sufferers transform their dream lives.

In this 90-minute session, Dr. Leslie Ellis will introduce some practical ways to cultivate a living relationship with dreams and nightmares. It is aimed at clinicians, but all are welcome. Bring your questions and your dreams – there will be a demonstration of this technique with a volunteer and some experiential